We are hearing stories daily about the amazing hings people are doing to band together and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kudos to our local and statewide officials for making the tough decisions to keep everyone safe. Another group of unsung heroes are the people working day in and day out to keep our infrastructure functioning properly.
During this time especially, a vital resource that must always be available is water. One local organization – E2RC and its sister company Cleanwater Management – continues to work tirelessly to protect the state’s water supply daily. E2RC and Cleanwater Management staff will continue their obligation to assure our citizens can rely on the most critical resource throughout this trying pandemic.
“Our job is to make sure there isn’t any comprised water out there that would impact our most essential need – clear drinking water,” explained Kelley Fetter, E2RC and Cleanwater Management CEO. “We monitor more than 150 sites over 300 times a month to make sure New Mexicans have the water they need.”
Based in Bernalillo, the company’s team of 14, work throughout New Mexico and surrounding states to keep both surface water and stormwater clean. They monitor an array of potential pollutants including construction, industrial and municipal sites.
“Our teams are on site monitoring design, field controls, compliance and providing monthly analysis on all the systems,” Fetter added. “There is a lot of attention right now on first responders and medical personnel, but what people don’t think about is the work we do supports those people as well as the public at large.
“People should follow our leaders’ advice and practice social distancing and stay at home. But rest assured, water quality will not be something New Mexicans need to be concerned about.”
For more information, go to E2RC.com